Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Surprising Day Jobs of 20 Famous Writers

The Surprising Day Jobs of 20 Famous Writers Sure, being a bestselling author sounds glamorous, but its a long road to the top, and sometimes that road starts out with a job mopping up a locker room floor. Most writers who have made a name for themselves in the field had to spend at least a few years toiling away at jobs where no one appreciated their quick wit or their skill for crafting a lovely turn of phrase. Some spent their entire lives working in service industries and didnt have their greatest works published until after their deaths. It makes sense that working for minimum wages in utter drudgery may have been the main inspiration for some of the most revered literary works in history. When creative minds are forced to work mindless jobs, sometimes theyre inspired to create extraordinary stories set in ordinary places. Check out The Expert Editors infographic on the surprising first professions of some of the worlds most famous writers.